Thanks for sharing your writing as always. I am grateful for the work you do to bring this good stuff to us. Also, love the butter hat, AND I love my sweatshirt (and the sparkly bag it arrived in!) It's even better than I expected.

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Thank you for always reading and supporting my work! Ahhh I’m so so happy to read this. Wear it in good health! 🙏🏼❤️

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Love this Maya. We shared a decadent chocolate chip cookie yesterday. Yum! I love your writing & the share on the moon. I picked up a moon necklace with the girls astrological sign adorned in crystals for the holidays. I’m craving intimacy, slow cooking in the kitchen, great conversations & games around the table with loved one, presence in nature, art walks, kitchen dance parties & joy. All things that bring joy. Sending you love from the Midwest 🥰

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I love this! I’d love to see a picture of the necklace, it sounds beautiful 😍. Isn’t a good chocolate chip cookie so...perfect?! Yes to kitchen dance parties. Sending so much love back. ✨🙏🏼❤️

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