How it is already the end of March April(!) is completely unfathomable to me.
This month flew by as rapidly as March did. It feels like April 3rd was yesterday and I remember that day saying, “I have a whole spring ahead of me!” alas, here we are, knocking on the door of May. I had a lot of breakthroughs this month and am feeling clearer and clearer each day about how I want to show up. I have a bright and shiny set of visions and manifestations I am working toward and it feels oh so wonderfully juicy. This feels like a part of this grand eclipse energy and my desire to “go go go” and flip the table covered in fine china is REAL—but I will take deep breaths and move intentionally. And yes, Mercury is in retrograde, but it’s no biggie, we all know the drill (don’t buy tech, don’t sign contracts).
What are you hoping to manifest in this wild and wonderful eclipse energy? Let me hear it!
Here are some of the things that felt good this month:
JELLY HANDS, JELLY VASES! I am straight-up obsessed.
I’ve always been team-soggy fry, so this article made me feel seen.
This vest has my name all over it. This is definitely my summer of the vests.
For the most beautiful playlist ever, listen to Café Africa. I am envisioning a concrete patio with billowing gauzy curtains and the smell of roast-y coffee steam floating into the air as I take a sip from a beautifully vibrant painted mug.
Jungle always has the most impeccable music videos. I get so engrossed in them whenever I watch one. This new one for Candle Flame is no exception.
I watched this clip five times over and feel it deep in my gut. I crave this level of community and connection to one another. This may be a hot take, but I think as humans, we all need this level of support and connection to each other and ourselves in order to live to our fullest potential. My biggest wish is to reconnect with our ancestral roots on this beautiful planet and nourish their soils so that they grow once again.
Last month I had the joy of meeting Fernanda Uribe in real life and let me tell you, she is the true embodiment of her brand. She floated through her studio, offering us drinks out of her beautiful organically shaped mugs, while world music wafted through the space. Her work is whimsical, ethereal, mystical, and this vase is what dreams are made of.
Once upon a time, circa 1997, I danced with my girlfriends to a Spice Girls song for a sleepover in front of our parents who were just trying to have a drink in peace. This vid really hit my “90s-forever” heart. P.S. For bonus points, we drew all over our arms and legs “Can we have a sleepover” in milky pens. It was a masterpiece.
THIS. THIS. THIS. Basically my philosophy, basically a large reason why I write this newsletter, basically my goal is to live my life against the current of what “just is”.
For a cute, can’t-not-laugh moment :).