March has been one heck of a wild ride over here. I think the eclipse season + a juicy full moon are to blame, but I’m holding on. How are you doing? How are you feeling?
I’m sitting in a cafe writing this edition to you and on my drive over I spotted a wandering calf practically inches from the road. The little guy had escaped and seemed a bit skittish. I don’t know how to handle cows, but I love them so much and felt a strong urge to protect this baby. I pulled to the side of the road and stepped out of my car to try to get it back up the field and out of harm’s way. Of course, as I approached him, he scampered, going into the road. I kept on walking towards him, hoping that I’d scare him in the opposite direction. In the end, he successfully darted towards the grass. I am praying that he eventually found his way back up to safety. We are out here. Experiences like this one remind me of where I am actually living right now. And it is Rural with a capital “R”.
Lately, I’ve been working on zooming out and grounding into the present moment. Admittedly, that is hard for me to do. I’m a bit of an escapist—a fantasy dreamer. I often have a hard time tethering to, and accepting reality. And a lot of times I don’t want to accept the hard truths. Because they don’t feel fun. The real world never seems as fantastic as the world that exists in my head. But the thing I’m learning is that it can be. I just have to give it a chance.
This month was difficult. It came with many obstacles, grueling schedules and long drives, a financial rollercoaster, and at the end of it, it all felt like one big fever dream. But spring is here and I’m holding on to the promise that it brings each year of growth and new beginnings. I’m getting ready for this both literally and figuratively—I plan on getting my hands in the dirt with Dan’s mom to ready her garden for the growing season, and also nurturing seedlings of ideas that I planted over the winter, getting them ready for their hopeful bloom this summer. More on this sentiment soon.
Let’s dive in to the rabbit hole, shall we?
This super cool detachable cabin office moment caught my eye:
This article had me rolling around in bed with deep belly laughter. It is brilliant in every way and captured my exact sentiments around big pants and the fluctuation of pant size within the larger cycle of fashion and trends.
I loved this podcast episode on taste and how we develop what we like (and don’t). I especially loved the point of scarcity creating meaning. That has stuck with me for a long while since listening, and specifically makes me think about my closet. I might be doing a little refining.
Referenced in the above podcast was the artist Fred again… and this song in particular sounds like it has been tucked away in a club in Barcelona since 2012. I love it.
A beautiful voice:
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After finding this video, I now must go to a House dance class !!!
And speaking of how we move our bodies:
Why are all of our presidential candidates old? I thought about writing about this, but honestly, this Reddit thread sort of scratched my itch to rant.
Is this my next crafting project?
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I need everything from this shop, including this broccoli necklace:
Dan and I watched Out of Africa a few weekends ago. The movie itself is fine, but what really had me in a chokehold were of Meryl Streep’s costumes. Of special note was her first hunting outfit and all of her safari shirts. I mean, can we not? Swooning.
Everything about this subway take is YES.
And on that same note about the massive shift that needs to take place in how we live our lives, I loved seeing this Linkedin post and have been liking and bookmarking all other ones like it.
Bookmarked this to reference for our wedding dessert table 🦢💘
Earmarked these moon women tattoos.
The chocolate chip cookies at The Machine Shop in Philly took me to another planet. It was the perfect ratio of salty, buttery, and sweet, and the chocolate chunks were delightfully bitter and dark. All in all, a lovely combination. 🥰
I fell in hard love with this outfit from Cordera and want to wear it all summer. Especially the sweater.
They also have this beaded bag that would go so well with the look.
Thanks to Diana Yen for sending me down a rabbit hole of these GORGEOUS candlesticks that I absolutely must own one of:
And lastly, my sweet friend Tetiana is hosting a heart centered workshop on 4/22. I will be attending and hope some of you will too!
What’s on your radar? Leave a comment!