It has been one heck of a month. October brought me grief, clarity, bewilderment and enlightenment, direction, purpose, pride, and probably most of all, a strength and drive to continue forward with deep hope and lightness. I am challenging myself to feel fluidity in the face of chaos—a theme that seems to be following me around this year.
As always, I’ve created a diverse playlist of songs that I came across during the month. I always love how these playlists develop and mark a particular moment of time.
A stunning and uplifting podcast episode that made me feel very seen.
And another short and sweet note about learning how not to spiral from one of my faves, Desirée Pais.
I am lusting over this pair of silver boots. Please note this for my birthday.
And I have absolutely fallen in love with this organically-shaped ring.
AND this beautiful wrap coat.
I found a perfect pair of shearling shoes to keep my Reynauds feet warm, and I am loving them so far. I also want to add this pair to my collection for festive occasions.
Olive oil harvest is in full swing in Italy and I am enjoying the gorgeous green content. On that note, I’m thinking about hosting a virtual olive oil tasting. If anyone is interested, please leave a comment.
You bet that I will manifest a fancy party to wear this outfit to.
This short film.
Mari Andrews’ piece on why art is still relevant. “I believe that every person is a potential prophet, with a gift that can help heal the world, or at least one individual, who might as well be the world. There shouldn’t be barriers to this.”
This tile will be in my home one day.
This prayer performed with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra is sitting right in the center of my heart. Without even fully understanding all of the words I can feel the compassion for humankind in this piece.
Forever a fan of The Lion King, I teared up watching this clip of the show’s return to broadway after its hiatus.
x M
A reminder that I have a few special partnerships with brands that I believe in:
25% off Onda whole hemp products with MOJALVO25 (and excited to try their new skincare!)
15% off Onirik with code MOJALVO15. This clothing is made with dead stock fabric, and produced sustainably and responsibly in Romania and Virginia. I’m learning a lot about the dead stock industry working with Onirik, and I can tell you that this brand really does their homework. The pieces are beautifully finished and feel silky-delicious on.
10% off my favorite ceremonial cacao with this link. I mix my discs with a little raw honey and hot water with a milk frother. So creamy and delicious.