Things on my Radar
This September, plus, the wild Plutonian energy and being wise enough to know how to harness it.
Holy September. Does it feel like we stepped into a VHS player on fast forward? Because I’m feeling that majorly lately. It also is hard to ignore the fact that everyone seems to be in a cycle of endings right now, and the air feels thick with anticipation of and actual change. As a double Pisces rising Cancer I realize that the most recent eclipse that happened on the 17th in Pisces is hitting me particularly directly, BUT, it’s not just me feeling this larger shift right now, is it?
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been pulling the crone card from my oracle deck. The crone is all about wisdom and, as the archetype of an older woman, its familiarization with death. A few years ago, I saw an astrologer. I think it was the beginning of 2021 in the depths of winter and I was fully enrobed in the the darkness of that season. She told me that I had a lot of Plutonian energy within the folds of my chart and that I would have to withstand the lessons within this portal just a bit longer. Pluto is the planet of death, and not just death in the literal sense of the word, but of endings, life long lessons, and of metamorphosis. I wasn’t sure how I could stand a second longer of this taxing energy, especially since I had just finished my Saturn return. But it was apparently written into my stars. And, if I was being intuitively honest, I knew that she was right. So, I buckled up for the Plutonian ride that has sustained the better part of the past four years of my life.
It’s nearing the end of 2024, and I finally brought myself to the cave. And this cave held me in my most primal presentation. I laid in the fetal position—like a baby in the womb, and learned how to be again. The crone became my guide. She fed me her wisdom from her breast and stroked the hairs on my temples. She taught me about this cycle of renewal, and how to harness the momentum that comes from the times in between. I now intimately know how these things breathe and how they taste. I still would not call myself an expert, however. What I offer, at this juncture, is to be a friend who is sitting alongside you, if you also happen to be in the cave. We can sit by the fire together as we learn how to renew with fresh spirit in our lungs.
Collectively, we have just crossed an important threshold transit—Pluto has ended a 200+ year placement in Capricorn and has moved to its new home of Aquarius. And I think this may be what we are all subtly (or not so) feeling. This move is not light—it signals a full shift of our consciousness and how we approach ourselves and each other. I’m not an astrologer, but from my novice understanding, Aquarius is about community and support in this fashion. It is about showing up collectively and not about the individual. It is about breaking down old systems and building new ones. It’s not here to play around, and it will shine the light on the things that no longer work in both our personal lives and also in our society.
I’ve been sitting on a project for the better part of a year that I know wants to be brought into the world. It hasn’t felt quite ready, but lately I’ve been getting the urge to birth and its shape fits the Aquarian energy that Pluto is now in. But still, there have been many voices of doubt in my head. Will people like it? Will they identify with its shape? Will it resonate in such a polarized world? Even though these fears are valid, I am choosing to listen to my inner knowing first before these creeping doubts. I am trusting this new energy and following her lead. And just like watching a growing daughter, I will love her in whatever shape she takes out on her own in the world.
So, wherever you are in this cycle, here’s to our renewal in the warmth of the cave, and to who we will be when we return to the daylight. I can’t wait to share more of what I have been growing in my womb.
With love, Maya.
And if you got this far, here’s the September round up:
My energy in this new cycle:
My dear friend Tetiana is hosting an intimate, heart-led group coaching journey starting October 11th. It sounds absolutely divine, and I know it will be magic.
This article on slower living, and this following video to really embody that in the world of social media:
This IG reel is how I want to approach my whole life.
This podcast episode on the millennial generation was so validating and for me, allows me to even more lean into this theme of ease and acceptance.
I still want to talk about the Jcrew fall collection. Jcrew has always felt like fall. Back to school. I remember going with my mum to Jcrew to get my first outfit for work interviews when I returned home from university. There’s was this feeling of glow up that I would get from buying something from Jcrew, but for the past handful of years, I felt as though they lost this spark. But, this season feels like a true return to their brand essence. I ended up saving more than a few things and building this wish list from their new collection.
This thread was delightful to read through as a woman turning 35 soon.
I spoke about this on IG this week, but I’m busy making beaded necklaces as a way to decompress and have some creative fun. I’m selling them and love making them for you, so reply or comment to this newsletter if you want one :).
And lastly, this year’s olive harvest at my wonderful friend’s farm in Puglia is almost underway, and I cannot wait to get my hands on more tins for us. This year I am planning to order all three varieties and trust me, you’ll want all of them. By the way, if you are still interested in trying this special EVOO, I still have a few tins from last year’s harvest left here.
Loved that article from BBC on intentional slowing down. It felt like a balm. Also, so excited for the next batch of EVOO to drop!