To be completely honest, this season of life has felt a little sticky. Any forward momentum seems to be coupled with two steps back to where I came from. Many days I feel as though I’m wading in mud and lost in my thoughts. Maybe it’s the eclipse season we are currently riding the waves of, but I am truly feeling it.
March was a wild month—a tornado of activity that picked me up, swirled me about, and spat me out as quickly as I was brought into the frenzy. I am leaving March feeling a tad disoriented, but also feeling really fired up about what I know I want to bring into my life. I am feeling so directed to a lifestyle of feminine power—one that ebs and flows and twists with the seasons of the earth and corresponds to the cycles of my own body. I left March knowing finally that I want to discover the balance between the lifestyle I know I want to lead while also existing in our modern society, but feeling challenged with how I will balance the two.
As you know, I made major changes to my lifestyle back in August with no roadmap or plans of what I desired to do next. It felt freeing. Soft. Opportunistic. Wild. I planned to spend this time healing from burnout and getting still to tap into what I was feeling called to do next. Half a year has passed since then and I feel as though I haven’t found any further clarity on the latter. I’ve gotten very little bites on the freelance work that brought me so much success before 2020, and I can’t seem to find clarity on what feels right to do next. As much as I’d like to settle into the softness of the unkown, admittedly I wake up many mornings with the thought of this purpose heavy on my chest.
Last month I turned 34, and in the moment, it felt quite anti-climactic. But as I have been settling into this new year, I’m seeing subtle changes emerge. As a woman, being in your thirties means a lot of things. It is a time filled to the brim with many emotions, shifts, journeys, and unfurling. Being in my thirties signifies the transition from maiden to mother, and although this transformation can be literal, it is also energetic. I believe that women transform into their true forms in this decade. Like a butterfly emerging from the cocoon of our 20’s we have fully arrived and we are ready to spread our wings. At 34, I feel as though I am to be a mother, for myself and for others.
On my drive home from an oil change last week I saw an eagle flying low in the sky. I’ve been seeing eagles a lot lately, living out here on the Upper Delaware, but recently, eagles seem to be appearing at closer distances to me—so close that I can make out much more of their beautiful details. About a week before this sighting, I saw another eagle land on a tree branch just as we drove past, strikingly close to our car. And then there was a golden eagle, feasting on roadkill right ahead of Dan and I. She swooped up across our windshield, fluttering into the sky with a wild and powerful magnificence.
When I begin to see an animal frequently, I feel called to look up their spiritual meaning. In most cultures, eagles signal our connection to the spirit. They are guides and messengers, journeying through the sky with a sage knowing in their wings. The totem says that the eagle teaches us to trust our journey. They invite us to tap into our deepest intuition. Eagle medicine asks us to zoom out and take in a new perspective, observing our inner voice and truest callings.
The thing is, as a woman stepping into my power, I have to trust that it is safe to fly. That I am okay to be seen. I have to believe that my visions and instincts will be given space to be as they are meant to be. I’ve been feeling many urges to do life differently in this decade. To move somatically and heal stuck trauma, to rest when I need and want to rest, to work in smaller spurts. To dance—feeling joy in my limbs when I need it, and not to be rushed due to someone else’s urgency. There is a deep calling to answer to these feminine patterns—longer rest, softer days, nurturing myself and others, reminding them too of this more organic way of approaching living.
Moving with ease and flow, and unfurling these new wings may be the biggest learnings I can absorb in this moment. Because, in reality, our purpose makes itself apparent through each day we live with presence and gratitude. It’s holding the same reverence for what is happening right now in front of us, as we have for those big future visions. Feminine living. Mother energy. An openness to softness and wavy paths forward. Because truly, our purpose exists within each day that we wake up, breathe, and choose to live well. It’s transformation. Seeing the buds take their position on the once bare tree branches of winter, hearing the sounds of frogs and birds and owls return to the dusk of warmer months from our open screen doors. It’s the brisk air of early spring on my ankles and the sun on my cheeks. Our purpose is not some singular future goal that we have to exhaust ourselves to reach, and my thirties are teaching me this.
My therapist and I spoke a few weeks ago. She asked me to reflect on what I used to say I wanted as a little girl—before society and external voices got to me. I responded from my heart. “I am here to make and share beauty. I am here to show myself and others that life is gorgeous, and fun, and so worth living.” The urge for this simple purpose has returned and I am realizing that I now have the wisdom and freedom to live it—if I trust the journey forward.
When I watch these eagles in flight, I notice easefulness. A soft power. These birds tilt and lean, allowing the jetstreams to carry them organically to their destination. Even when the flight path ahead feels unclear, the eagles show us that we should trust that the winds will guide us wherever it is we’re supposed to be. Zooming out, I see that it truly is that simple. Be, and remember the joy and simplicity that living each day offers.
I hope to infuse my purpose into daily living more through this decade. As I become the nurturer, as I step into this mother energy. We are all so much more than the hustle. We are here to be soft, share our stories with one another, trade our wisdom and tales. We are here to braid each other’s hair, tend to the flowers, gather, and live in joyful presence and bliss, and this, this is our most divine form. Tap in.
My love to all of you.
Aho! To ease & riding the waves of life. Thank you for this beautiful share. To also love the sacred eagle. 🦅
So much love, humility and power in this Maya! Love the way you express all of life's ups and downs so beautifully.