Ma Poule Mouillée came highly recommended in a thread I had initiated in the El Camino Travel clubhouse. And on this rainy, gloomy evening in Montreal, we decided to order it in to enjoy in our cozy AirBnB.
We peeled back the lids of our take-out to reveal the most beautifully golden chicken covered in a rich mahogany sauce, and a hearty portion of poutine. When in Rome.
Ma Poule Mouillée is a Portuguese chicken spot, and what really makes this meal special is the aforementioned sauce, delivering a tangy, umami, spiced delight to the tongue with every mouthful. We devoured the chicken, licking our fingertips between bites. We also tried our damnedest to get through that container of chicken and chorizo poutine.
With full bellies, we migrated to the couch to watch Ted Lasso, and I pretzeled myself across my partner’s body—and this is the last thing I remember. I was content, and feeling like I was being hugged from the inside. My stomach was in complete bliss. I had fallen asleep at eight in the evening, and was so peaceful that even the stirring of my partner to get his pastéis de nata dessert [which he reports was as incredible as the meal] failed to wake me. I moved to the bed in this blacked out state and continued sleeping until eight in the morning.
Now, for some context, you should know that for the past few years, I have been unwillingly entertaining anxiety and insomnia in my body—two guests that I never invited [eye roll]. Rarely have I not woken up at 4:44, or 3:45, or 5:14 to realize that I still have a few more hours of sleep to power through. But on this glorious night in Montreal, history was made. I woke up with a smile spread wide across my face. I had just experienced the best sleep of the past few years, and potentially my entire adult life. A tad dramatic, perhaps, but I was so jazzed to have had this full and bountiful sleep, that I could sing from the rooftops. Twelve sweet hours of rest unlocked my power. It reminded me that a lot of my stress was likely tied to a lack of restful sleep. And I know a lot of you are probably like, “Duh, Maya”. And I promise you that I know about this rudimentary, basic human need very well. But, sometimes in the hustle and bustle of living, and surviving in a pandemic, these simple nuances are replaced with supplements, and healers. Because we just want to feel better.
I have made a vow to myself to channel this chicken dinner as often as possible— to remember that life is about simplifying, and living with ease. And if an unpretentious Portuguese chicken meal could lull me into the most luscious slumber, maybe more of life can be this way.
An Affirmation: You are strong, you are valid.
Yet another PLACE in the world I’d like to be in this moment.
Samin living her best LIFE and inspiring me to live fuller.
This DINING situation.
I want to make this CAKE and invite all my friends over for an autumn gathering. Who’s in?
This JOB posting. I [might still be] seriously consider[ing] it.
Digging that fall energy with my monthly PLAYLIST.